Saturday 13 June 2009

Project 3 Newton project

These are the precedent case studies

These are the concept drawings

Site 1 has been chosen to be designed in this project. The owner is looking for a Contemporary Art display space with living and working spaces.

The façade has a number of little holes for the sunlight penetrates to the main street. By twisting in the façade to create a darker space, and the lighten holes can thereby grab the attention from the people on the main street.

The curvy steps that connect the yard to the building creates a unity between the building and the landscape, in another word, it lets the building integrate to the landscape. Sense of enclosure and privacy is also created by the adjacent buildings and the steps.

While the steps create sense of enclosure and privacy, it also allows sunlight getting into the larger exhibition space. This exhibition space has a high ceiling which is capable for a large and heavy sculpture. There is a curvy division boards which are not connect to the ceiling and it creates a darker space for video presentation.

The skylight windows openings can be adjusted to the need of the owner for desirable lighting and sky view. The back windows openings can be fully closed to create privacy and the front openings allow sunlight comes to the small exhibition space and the entrance as well as the façade.

The separation of the level stops the people to go up to the living space, which is located at the top level, but also integrated the living space to the gallery to form unity. The living space can enjoy the moment of outdoor courtyard as well as the gallery space.

Sunday 31 May 2009

projec2 marks

projec2 marks

ARCH 1201-2009


Ed Hopper – Cinema in NY


Narrative: ‘He can’t get what he wants until he passes through all the attractions’

An interesting arrangement of spaces, explored through the journey and experience using a simple set of rectilinear forms, walls and openings. At sometimes the design is too subtle and loses drama and intrigue. A rather real and believable project with a clever yet sensible series of spaces, hallways and stairs. The question remains; is the destination point really the place that he is after? There is a slight emptiness to the room and final destination.

Well crafted model and neat drawings.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

project 2

New York Movie by Edward Hopper
Narrative: "He cannot get what he wants until he pass through all the attractions"

This is the experiment of the model and the first idea of the project, which is the first thing that pop up in my mind.

I made the model and experiment the lighting, shadow and opening.

This is the drawings of the first round and i tried spray different tone on the material and test the texture.

The idea of platform , which has an idea of "see the destination but hard to find a way".
In combination with my narrative , i came up with the idea of hiding the true entrances and mislead the way with attractions.

These are the sketches which after the first idea and i had moved on to the next idea which works more than the first one, and still convey the idea.


I did not put this in my presentation because i did not hatch it but i think i will still post it as it tells more about my design.

The lighting and shadowing are captured and experienced for helping my poche drawings